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Sairama's Shop

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My resources are grammar based and include graphic organizers, worksheets, tests, quizzes, and personal questions. Most grammar items are based on present, preterit, imperfect, and present subjunctive tenses. Most resources are accompanied by an answer key. I hope you find them helpful for your students and your courses.




My resources are grammar based and include graphic organizers, worksheets, tests, quizzes, and personal questions. Most grammar items are based on present, preterit, imperfect, and present subjunctive tenses. Most resources are accompanied by an answer key. I hope you find them helpful for your students and your courses.
Preterit regular verb sentences with clue words matching practice

Preterit regular verb sentences with clue words matching practice

Matching: Clue words and sentences with regular preterit -ar -er -ir verbs (write the correct letter) There are 18 sentences total (6 -ar verbs, 6 -er, verbs, 6 -ir verbs). Answer key is included. Example j. yesterday / hablé / r. once / compraste ____ 1. Ayer yo _______ con José. (hablar) ____ 2. Una vez tú _____ un nuevo coche. (comprar) Length: 2 pages including answer key
Practice on uses of the imperfect tense

Practice on uses of the imperfect tense

This is a worksheet to practice the uses of the imperfect tense in Spanish. Complete each sentence with the correct conjugation of the verb in the imperfect tense. Then, write the reason for the use of the imperfect using the word bank below. The imperfect tense is used for descriptions of the following: Word bank physical appearance (people, places) personality, age, habitual action (used to do), weather, date, time, season, day of the week, simultaneous actions (happening at the same time), location, name, clothing, emotion (feeling), on-going action interrupted, wishing / wanting There are 22 sentences total. Answer key is included. Example (ser) De niño yo ____________ simpático, y un poco travieso. R: _________ (ser) Cuando era niña Susana _______ baja y delgada. R: ________________ Answers (ser) De niño yo ERA simpático, y un poco travieso. R: PERSONALITY (ser) Cuando era niña Susana ERA baja y delgada. R: PHYSICAL APPEARANCE Pages 1-2 are the practice and pages 3-4 are the answer key
Tener sentences matching practice

Tener sentences matching practice

This is a matching practice on sentences with tener in the present tense. There are 20 sentences and students will write the correct letter of the conjugation. Sentences with tener que + infinitive are also included. Answer key is included. a: tengo / d: tienes ____ 1. Yo _______ una casa grande. ____ 11. ¿Qué _______ que hacer tú hoy? Length: 2 pages including answer key
Preterit regular verbs introduction practice

Preterit regular verbs introduction practice

Preterit regular verbs introduction practice This is a practice with regular -ar, -er, and -ir verbs in the preterit. Students will conjugate 2 -ar, -er, and -ir verbs and answer 4 personal questions with each verb. A structured template is provided for students to write their conjugations. Preterit verb endings are provided on the top of every page for student reference Page 1: -AR verbs: Conjugate hablar and comprar for all 6 persons. Answer 4 personal questions with hablar, comprar, ayudar, mirar Page 2: -ER verbs: Conjugate comer and correr for all 6 persons. Answer 4 personal questions with comer, correr, aprender, beber Page 3: -IR verbs: Conjugate vivir and salir for all 6 persons. Answer 4 personal questions with vivir, salir, escribir, recibir This practice can be used as students are being introduced to the preterit tense.
Preterit spelling change practice car gar zar

Preterit spelling change practice car gar zar

Practice: Spelling change verbs preterit tense (-car, -gar, -zar) For each verb type (-car, -gar, -zar), write the spelling change in the first blank and the preterit ending in the second blank for the yo form. Then, write the preterit conjugations for all other subjects. Page 1: -CAR verbs: conjugate buscar, tocar, practicar for all 6 persons. Then, answer 4 personal questions with these verbs including sacar. Page 2: -GAR verbs: conjugate jugar, pagar, llegar for all 6 persons. Then, answer 4 personal questions with these verbs including investigar Page 3: -ZAR verbs: conjugate empezar, almorzar, comenzar. Then, answer 4 personal questions with these verbs including organizar. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, bell ringer, quiz / test, or as part of your sub plans.
Subjunctive stem change sentences matching practice

Subjunctive stem change sentences matching practice

Matching: Present subjunctive stem change verb sentences (write the correct letter of the conjugation) There are 20 sentences total and answer key is included. Stem change subjunctive verbs included: E-IE: pensar, entender, mentir, sentarse, divertirse, sentirse, perder O-UE: dormir, almorzar, contar, volver, poder, probarse, encontrar, acostarse U-UE: jugar E-I: pedir, servir, repetir, vestirse Example k. pienses / e. entiendan Deseo que tú _ en tu futuro. (pensar) Es importante que Uds la lección. (entender) Length: 2 pages including answer key
Preterit ir stem change verbs practice

Preterit ir stem change verbs practice

Practice: Preterit -ir stem change verbs Verbs included: E-I: pedir, servir, repetir, preferir, divertirse, sentirse O-U: dormir, morir Part 1: Complete each table with the stem and appropriate endings for yo, tú, nosotros and vosotros conjugations. (8 total) **For the él /ella / Ud and ellos / ellas / Uds conjugations, write the stem change in the first blank and the preterit ending in the second blank. A structured template is provided for students to write the stems and the verb endings for all 6 persons. Part 2: Answer each question in a complete sentence in the preterit. (8 total / one question for each verb) Answer key is included for part 1 only. For part 2, student answers will vary. Pages 1-3 are the practice and pages 4-5 are the answer key for part 1.
Preterit all verbs conjugation practice

Preterit all verbs conjugation practice

This is a worksheet to practice the conjugations of all verb types in the preterit tense. Students will conjugate each verb for all 6 persons. The practice is structured by verb types (see below). Part 1: Regular -ar, -er, -ir verbs (5 verbs) Part 2: Spelling change verbs (3 verbs) Part 3: I-Y spelling chage verbs (4 verbs including 2 -uir) Part 4: Irregular verbs (ser / ir, dar, ver, hacer, venir, querer, andar, estar, saber, tener, poder, poner, traer, conducir, decir). Irregular stems and list of verb endings are provided for reference. Part 5: -IR stem change verbs (5 verbs) Length: 4 pages
Present subjunctive introductory verbs and sentence practice

Present subjunctive introductory verbs and sentence practice

Present subjunctive practice matching and original sentences Part 1: Introductory verbs matching (Write the correct letter of the conjugated introductory verb). There are 15 introductory verbs total. Ex: Yo (querer) Answer choice: O (quiero) Part 2: Write 10 original sentences using any 10 introductory verbs (conjugated) from part 1, and the guidelines below. A template is provided for students to write their sentences. A list of infinitives to use for present subjunctive verbs is also provided or students can come up with their own. Answer key is included for part 1 only. For part 2, student answers will vary. Length: 3 pages including answer key.
Preterit imperfect sentence matching with meaning change verbs

Preterit imperfect sentence matching with meaning change verbs

Preterit imperfect sentence matching with meaning change verbs Verbs included: querer, no querer, poder, no poder, haber, tener, saber (each verb is used twice, once in the preterit and once in the imperfect) There are 14 sentences and answer key is included. Example: n. quise / h. querías ____ 1. Yo _______ ir al concierto pero no pude. (querer) ____ 2. ¿_______ tú ser médico cuando eras niño? (querer) Length: 2 pages including answer key
Go verbs sentences matching practice

Go verbs sentences matching practice

This worksheet is a practice on -go verbs present tense with matching sentences. Verbs included: hacer, caer, salir, oir, poner, valer, tener, decir, venir (most verbs are used twice and some are used three times). There are 26 sentences total and answer key is included. Example p. hago / y. cae / t. vienen ___ 1. Yo ______ mi tarea. (hacer) ____ 11. Marcos ______ en el suelo (floor) cuando juega. (caer) ____ 23. ¿Quiénes no _______ a la fiesta de cumpleaños. (venir) Length: 2 pages including answer key
Present tense regular verbs questions matching practice

Present tense regular verbs questions matching practice

Matching: Present tense questions matching with -ar,-er, -ir verbs There are 8 questions per verb type (-ar, -er, -ir) for a total of 24 questions. Answer key is included. Only regular verbs are used. Verbs included: -AR: hablar, bailar, comprar, ayudar, mirar, escuchar, limpiar, caminar -ER: comer, leer, vender, beber, correr, aprender, comprender, barrer -IR: vivir, recibir, abrir, compartir, asistir, escribir, decidir, subir Example: g. hablas / hablo e. baila / bailo ____ 1. ¿Con quién ______ tú? Yo _____ con Paco. (hablar) ____ 2. ¿Dónde _____ Ud? Yo ______ en mi casa. (bailar) Length: 4 pages including answer key (pages 3-4)
Go verbs Spanish review practice

Go verbs Spanish review practice

This worksheet is a practice on -go verbs in Spanish (present tense). Verbs included: hacer, poner, salir, tener, venir, oir, decir, traer, valer, caer Part 1: Students will choose any 4 -go verbs and conjugate them for all persons in the template provided. (A list of 10 -go verbs with their English translation and the yo form is provided. Example: Hacer : to do/ to make / Yo hago) Part 2: Answer 10 personal questions in a complete sentence. There is one question for each of the aforementioned verbs. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, test / quiz, or as part of your sub plans. Length: 3 pages
Go verbs questions matching practice

Go verbs questions matching practice

This worksheet is a matching practice with -go verbs in the present tense. There are 20 questions total and answer key is included. Verbs included: hacer, poner, tener, decir, oir, venir, salir, valer, caer, traer (each verb isused twice). Example g. haces, hago / t. dices, digo ____ 1. ¿Qué _____ tú hoy? Yo ______ mi tarea. (hacer) ____ 2. ¿Qué _____ tú a José? Yo le _____ “hola”. (decir) Length: 2 pages including answer key
Tu commands with health situations

Tu commands with health situations

Practice: Tú commands with health situations Read about the problems that the following people are asking the doctor. Then, complete each one using an appropriate response from the word bank below. Come una dieta equilibrada / Bebe agua y guarda cama / Ve al gimnasio y haz ejercicio diariamente / Haz yoga / Come más proteína / Toma pastillas y no pases mucho tiempo afuera / Toma aspirina / Reduce la nivel de sodio en tu dieta / Quédete en cama, bebe muchos líquidos, y revisa tu temperatura a menudo / Elimina unas actividades y descansa un poco más Tomás: Yo he ganado (gained) diez libras en un mes. Médico: Ve al gimnasio y haz ejercicio There are 10 situations total and answer key is included. Length: 2 pages including answer key
Stem change questions matching practice

Stem change questions matching practice

Matching: Questions with stem change verbs (present tense) Verbs included: pensar, preferir, entender, cerrar, querer, almorzar, poder, dormir, contar, empezar, comenzar, mentir, divertirse, pedir, servir, repetir, jugar, seguir, volver, devolver (There is one question per verb). There are 20 questions total and answer key is included. Example p. piensas / pienso h. prefieres / prefiero ____ 1. ¿En qué _______ tú? Yo ________ mis vacaciones. (pensar) ____ 2. ¿Qué _______ hacer Ud? Yo ________ leer. (preferir) Length: 2 pages including answer key
Imperfect tense original sentence practice

Imperfect tense original sentence practice

This worksheet is a practice with writing sentences in the imperfect tense. Students will write 24 sentences total using 6 - ar verb, 6 -er verbs, 6 -ir verbs, and ser, ir, ver (each used twice). Write an original sentence using the following guidelines: Write the clue word (cada día etc), the subject (person), imperfect tense verb conjugation in the correct order in the template provided. Add 3-4 words to expand on the sentence. Your sentence must make sense. Verbs included: Page 1: -AR: hablar, jugar, bailar, mirar, practicar, comprar (6 sentences) Page 2: -ER: comer, correr, beber, volver, leer, comprender (6 sentences) Page 3: -IR: escribir, vivir, salir, abrir, recibir, compartir (6 sentences) Page 4: ser, ir, ver (6 sentences / each verb used twice)
Stem change verbs sentence completion and conjugation practice

Stem change verbs sentence completion and conjugation practice

Practice: Stem change verbs conjugation and sentences For each stem change (e-ie, o-ue, e-i), conjugate the verbs for all 6 persons. Then, complete each sentence for each verb using the phrases in the word bank provided. Verbs included: Page 1: E-IE: pensar, empezar, mentir, entender, querer, cerrar, preferir ( 7 total) Page 2: O-UE: almorzar, poder, dormir, volver, devolver, encontrar (6 total) Page 3: E-I: pedir, servir, repetir, seguir, decir (5 total) / students will write an original sentence with Jugar (u-ue). Example of sentence completion Complete each sentence below by conjugating the verb and choosing the correct phrase from the word bank La puerta antes de dormir / en el fin de semana / ir al parque por la tarde / la escuela a las ocho / a sus padres o a sus amigos / la lección en la clase de inglés / nadar en la piscina (pensar) Yo ______________________ (empezar) tu________________
Present subjunctive conjugation and sentences

Present subjunctive conjugation and sentences

This worksheet is an introductory practice with present subjunctive verb conjugations and sentence completions. Conjugate each infinitive in the present subjunctive for all 6 persons Use the appropriate present subjunctive conjugation to complete the sentence and add 3-4 word to expand on the sentence. Your sentence should make sense. Students will conjugate 15 verbs (5 -ar, 5 -er, 5 -ir) and complete 15 sentences. Only regular -ar, -er, -ir verbs are used. Verbs included: Page 1: hablar, ayudar, comprar, mirar, escuchar Page 2: comer, leer, aprender, vender, correr Page 3: vivir, escribir, abrir, compartir, decidir Example of sentence completion: Yo quiero que tú _______ Tú prefieres que Luis _______
Irregular preterit questions with conjugation practice

Irregular preterit questions with conjugation practice

Practice: Irregular preterit questions and conjugation practice Answer each question in the preterit in a complete sentence. Then, write the preterit conjugations for each subjects (person) in the table. Students will write the conjugations for the subjects not included in the question/ answer. Ex: Que hiciste tu ayer? Yo ____ / Students will write the conjugations for el / ella/ Ud, nosotros, vosotros, and ellos / ellas / Uds There are 12 questions total Verbs included: I stem: hacer, venir, querer (page 1) U stem: andar, estar, saber, tener, poner, poder (pages 2-3) J stem: conducir, traer, decir (page 3) This practice can be used for classwork, homework, test / quiz, or as part of your sub plans.